Bread recipes

Bread recipes

Bread recipes

  • five hundred g flour or bread flour
  • 1.5 teaspoons fine salt
  • one teaspoon instant dry yeast or half cube fresh yeast
  • three hundred ml water
Clear tank and putting mixer in the bottom of tank that will have been greased
two basic principles: you must respect the order of the ingredients and measure the quantities either with a scale or more simply with the measuring cup. Put the liquids in the tank first, then the solids, ending with the yeast. Caution: the yeast must not come into contact with the salt
So put the water first with the salt; then add the flour and on top the yeast (crumbled if it is fresh)
Normal white bread program (about three hours)
Clear the bowl, take out the bread then remove the mixer without waiting too long (but don't burn yourself anyway 😉 using the small hook
Leave to cool and store the bread in a tea towel.
Enjoy !

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